How To Chip In Golf

How To Chip In Golf


A golfer in the finishing position after hitting a tee shot

governing body

The R&A


First played
15th century, Kingdom of Scotland
Contact No
Type Outdoor




Glossary of golf











how to chip in golf

The Hinge-And-Hold Method

The hinge-and-hold method (a term coined by pro golfer Phil Mickelson) consists of hinging your wrists in the backswing and keeping that hinge through the downswing and into the ball.

I would venture to say that every great chipper in the game of golf uses this technique in one form or another, and it’s the only method that I would recommend for golfers learning how to chip.

This is because, when used correctly, almost all of the time it ensures you hit the ball consistently at the loft and thus the trajectory.

Releasing the club just before you hit the ball will change the effective loft of the club at impact; this will not only result in a loft that’s inconsistent at impact, but also make bladed shots very likely.

Hinging and holding is done by moving through the ball at a rapid pace so the clubhead doesn’t get in your way.

Focus on making solid ball-first contact like you would with any full iron shot. Be patient and practice.

how to chip in golf

Setup Chipping

Chipping is all about where you stand. It’s important to understand how your position affects your actions.

Three simple adjustments can be made to transform your standard golfing position into one that is more chipping.

You can hold the golf grip further and then shuffle towards the ball. This will give you greater control when chipping.

Have your feet closer together – they don’t have to be as close as mine in the video, but this change helps your body rotate back and through as you chip.

Aim for a little more weight in your front foot (around 60%) This will make it much easier for you to score your chip shots. We’ll discuss this further below.

how to chip in golf

How to Score a Golf Shot

Chips can be short shots on the golf course that are played with any kind of club, including a 5-iron and a sand-wedge. You want to put the ball as quickly as possible on the green. The ball should run like a putt so you are able to gauge how far it can go.

Your first point of reference is the spot where you want the ball to land. The putting surface should be your first point of reference. Because the grass is typically flatter there and has been better prepared it makes the important first bounce much easier. You want to avoid landing chips on rough, uneven, or sloping ground. Visualization is a big part of chipping. Try to see the shot in your mind’s eye before you hit the ball. Then, be as exact as you can with your target. The goal cannot be set too precisely.

Select the best golf club. The amount of space you have between the landing point and hole determines which club to choose. If you only have 15 feet, you need a more lofted club (one with a face that’s severely angled back from vertical), such as a sand wedge, so that the ball doesn’t run too far. You can use a more straight-faced club such as the 7-iron if your gap is larger, say 60 feet.

Intuition and lies When you are playing in long grass, it is important to have a higher club, and make a longer swing. (Remember: Longer grass means a longer swing.) The ball must be lifted high enough to avoid the long rough. To make it work, you need to get the ball up enough to escape the longer rough if the ball is “down”.

Practice, and only practice, makes you better. You can try different clubs to learn how these shots are done. Soon you will develop an appreciation for the game. It is important to practice with as many clubs possible. Your technique will be improved if you use different clubs.

Hit that button to activate the chip. The setup is key to chipping. The key to chipping is the setup.

The stance you take should be approximately 12 inches long from your heel to your heel. With your left foot open, pull back towards the line.

how to chip in golf

Chipping Vs Pitching: The Critical Difference

What is the difference between pitching vs chipping? You aren’t the only one who doesn’t understand this distinction.

Short game golf is a key part of most players’ knowledge. Because we hear it repeatedly from our playing partners, coaches, commentators on television, and other magazines, this is something that most golfers know.

It’s been widely promoted in the world of golf because it’s true. The short game is a unique part of the game. While it is not quite as glamorous as the driver’s, the short game helps us achieve our main goal of getting the ball in the hole.

When I refer to “short-game”, you may think of several shots.

You have the putt which, while it is part of the short-game, there are pitching and chipping. In this article, we will be looking at these two areas.

Golf is not an exact science. Everyone, professional or amateur, makes mistakes from time to time. When we are missing an attempt shot, or a prior shot, then we need to pitch and chip.

It is in these moments when the game falls apart that we can either save it or make things worse. The truth is that a good, short game is all you need to be a successful player.

how to chip in golf

How to Make a Chip Shot at Golf

Learning how to chip a golf ball is one of the most valuable skills a golfer can have. When you are able to consistently hit the ball high and low to win, your score will drop. So what is a chip shot? A basic chip shot travels a short distance in the air and rolls to the pin with more control and consistency than a normal shot. Because it’s a shorter, more controlled swing and has very little wrist hinge, a chip shot differs from a full swing. A chip shot should give you the feeling that your arms and chest ride with your chest. You can also make small turns to go back and forward. Your distance control will be improved if your chest and arms feel connected.

These topics will be covered in this article.

Common Chipshot Mistakes Chip Shot Drill Chipping Versus Pitching

how to chip in golf

Chip Shot Drill

Rehearse your short-game swing and focus on your lower body rotation. This is a great drill for golf practice. The drill is easy to do at the range, while you chip or at home.

Swing Align can be placed on the bottom of your legs just below the knees.

Take the short rod sections from the Swing Junction and place one on either side of your feet and angle them about 30 degrees from your target line.

Chipping your swing and practicing it, adjust the angle of each alignment rod you attach to your legs. While your arms are bent slightly toward the ground, rotate your chest forward.

Stop and hold your follow through position and check your rotation against the rod on the ground by your front foot.

Swing Align XL cuffs will be needed to properly fit the lower body of golfers when performing this drill. For both the upper and lower body, both standard and XL cuffs are included in the Swing Align Pro Bundle.

Although this article is about chipping a golf club, the same principles apply for pitching the ball. A pitch shot does not roll as fast and flies further than it rolls. Pitch shots use a longer swing where the right arm starts to fold and there is a greater hinge in your wrists. You will have a more powerful swing and a greater speed. While you can pull the club through with your body, but not like a chip shot where you flip your wrists, this will produce a longer swing.

how to chip in golf

What’s the Difference between a Chip and a Pitch?

Golfers who struggle with short game are the majority. It’s hard to know how to play short-game shots when you’re not in the fairway or near the green. You will learn how to hit pitch shots and chip shots. Also, you’ll find out the differences between pitching and chipping. This article will also explain why it is so important to choose which shot.

Let’s begin with the basics. A chip is an extremely low shot. It is typically played near the ground, and is very short in the air. Chip shots are usually hit near the green, where the golfer doesn’t need to move the ball too far. He just needs to start the ball and allow it to roll towards the hole. A variety of clubs can be used to hit chips, including wedges and even a #7 golf iron.

Pitch shots, in contrast, are more played by air than chips and do not require as much roll. Pitch shots can be played at longer distances than chip shots up to about 30 yards. The shot is more aerodynamic than the chip shot. Pitch shots are generally hit with your higher lofted clubs like a 54, 56, 58 or 60 degree loft utility wedge.

This article will clarify the differences in chipping and pitching, including the following.

A Chip Hitting a Pitch When to Pitch vs. Chip

how to chip in golf

When To Pitch Vs. Chip

It is essential to be able to hit both the chip and pitch shots. However, it is even more crucial to understand when you should chip or pitch. Two factors are key to the decision about golf pitching vs chipping:

Lay – This is where you lie when the ball has not been seen from the side (i.e. If you find yourself on the fairway (or have a great lie in the green), a chip shot may be the best option. You will feel more in control if you are able to make a straight strike and send the ball towards the hole as a putt. A pitch shot can be used if there is a poor lie to make the ball roll towards the hole like a putt.

It is important to consider the shot requirement. If you are close to the green without the need to carry the ball over any trouble you should almost always choose a chip shot. However, pitch shots are better if the ball needs to be carried or stopped quickly at a pin.

Skill level- A pitch shot has a higher skill level than a Chip shot. This is because it allows for more error. First master the chip shot and then work your way up to pitch.

how to chip in golf

How Do You Chip A Golf Ball?

Many factors affect the shot of golfers. The number of greens required to play is one of these key factors. Chip shots are also determined by the alignment of your ball and any obstacles between you and it.

The player needs first to decide that point at which he or she wants the golf ball to land after hitting it. Using the correct technique and by establishing proper contact with the ball, you can excel in chip shots. Distance control is another factor that helps in improving the accuracy of how to chip a golf ball.

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Intech EZ roll Men’s right hand golf chipper black. Amazon Price Check

Last updated on 2021-12-15. Affiliate links. Images from Amazon Product Advertising API.

how to chip in golf

How To Chip In Golf

Chip is quite a tactical shot in the game of golf. For this shot the players need to raise the ball from the ground. It can take a lot of effort to get the ball off the ground. If you have to maneuver the ball down slopes or get it buried under the grass, your shorts chip are even more useful.

The chip shot is something both new and experienced players need to master. How to properly chip in the game of golf is illustrated in this guide.

* Swinging The Entire Upper Body: Using the whole upper body is essential to ensure a proper chip. Avoid swinging your wrists, as it can restrict your control and force. Move in a way that your hips can move. Keep your feet and legs in a steady position while the upper body moves.

* Swing Downward: Initially, create contact with your ball using the downward strike.

Beginning players often hit the ball up-facing. This is wrong. A successful chip requires that you aim lower. The club will come into contact with the ball and you can then aim to move upwards.

When the club impacts the golf ball, raise your club. Once the down swing has given you maximum control and force you can lift the club. This allows the ball to get enough air out of the ground. Both your upward scoop and downward swing must be in a fluid and single motion.

* Follow The Motion Throughout After Creating Contact With The Ball: Simply creating an impact with the ball does not offer end to your proper chipping. The player needs to follow the swing throughout and concentrate hard so that the force gets further maximized. Take the same swing as you did at first and complete it in one movement.

how to chip in golf

How Do You Hit A Chip Shot?

A perfect chip shot is not easy. There are techniques to make sure you chip accurately, regardless of whether you’re aiming at a low-chip shot or a high-chip shot. Golfers who are new in the game or have little experience with the sport might benefit from these techniques.

Chip shots should always be practiced in an area that is accessible to you. You should practice on a large golf course, or anywhere else you have access to. It helps players to track their progress. These steps will show you how to chip the golf ball.

* Place the Ball near your Back Foot. This position is ideal for low-chip shots. The best shot is achieved by placing the ball at the exact spot. By choosing this position for the ball, you are creating backspins so that your ball can roll further after touching the ground.

* Setting your Feet. Hold the toes together, then move the toes forward. You should place your weight mainly on the leading foot. You can create a vertical angle by standing a little near your ball to achieve this. By bending your knees slightly, you can stand tall and straight. The back foot should be at 90° with respect to the direction one is trying to hit the ball.

* Continued and smooth partial swings: You must have a perfect swinging motion for a great shot. So that the ball can travel further distances, it is essential to maintain a smooth motion during chip. Make sure that you swing from the upper portion of your body.

You must address your ball differently for high chip shots. There are some specific techniques that you should use when aiming to hit the big bucks. You must place the ball in the centre of your body. Place your feet farther apart and weigh the ball accordingly. Place your feet closer together and shoot for an athletic shot.

* Keep straight forearms: Although you require swinging your upper body for the chip shot, your forearms must be straight and tight. No hinging or breaking the arms while playing the shot. You should not position your forearms in such a way that the ball does not travel very far.

.How To Chip In Golf